lunes, 6 de julio de 2015






TOPIC: Create characters of legend 

  •     Cuaspud Angélica 
  •     Tirado Dhayana
  •     Chalcualán Carlos
    CLASS: Second “B” 

    TEACHER:  Msc Iván Fuertes

Tulcán - Ecuador
         March- August 2015          

domingo, 5 de julio de 2015


  • To investigate everything related to the subject of the investigation.
  • Collect information to establish the parameters of the characters.
  • Determine the subject of legend, so to create the story.
  • Spice up the legend using the characters.
Exposing the final product.

This blog has the initiative to provide a legend, which covers facts, as well as fictitious events, we will focus on creating characters to give a boost to certain legend, so entertain all those who take the time to check out this blog.

who are the characters?

Is every one set of letters that make up a script to establish the real or fictional story that will lead the narrative of history.
the characters also we can call the feature, as they are fundamental to give life to what we mean.
for example:
To analyze the structure of the legend we regard it as an anecdote or a last feat in which intervenes, narrator, characters, space and time.
these are the characters of a legend

Classes legend

Since ancient unusual geological formations have prompted human imagination. The oral tradition is very essential to give a boost to the population of each habitat.
below the forms and types of legends is presented

They can be classified in two ways:

For its theme:

Ethological legends clarify the origin of the elements inherent in the nature such as rivers, lakes and mountains.
Eschatological legends about the beliefs and doctrines concerning the afterlife.
Religious legends, stories of righteous and sinners, pacts with the devil, episodes from the life of saints.
By origin:

Urban Legends: they belong to contemporary folklore, circulating by word of mouth, etc.
Rural legends: legends valid only in the field, because they have no place or adapting to urban.
Local legends: a popular account of a municipality, county or province.