martes, 2 de junio de 2015


¿what will we do?

The present work is based on creating characters of History Conceited Little Mouse, in our case give more prominence to the story that is already promoted in the conservation of dialogue and of course the characters.
We took attributes of that history, as the respective moral mentioned as follows:
"The most beautiful, apple worm hides the worst"
Calling much attention from readers, in this case we, the students, because many times we do not know with whom we walk or get together, resulting in great threats to our lives.

Characters of the Conceited Little Mouse
Conceited Little Mouse
  • It was a very clean and industrious little mouse.
  • every day she cleaned his house.
  • It was a very unhappy little mouse.
  • she had a certain age, and needed to marry, but could not find who you.

The Duck
  • he soon pass a duck: - Ratita, rat - told - you are beautiful: Will you be my wife? - And what will you do at night? - She asked. - Cua, cua, cua! - Said the duck. - Oh!I scare your cries!I do not want you for a husband!

Smart Pig

Later he spent a very smart pig, that when he saw the rat asked - Ratita industrious, Will you be my wife? - And what will you do at night? - Oink, oink, oink! - Pigs grunted. - No!I could not sleep with such a noise!I do not want you for a husband!

The Noble Dog
A noble dog passed by and watching the rat proposed: - Ratita, beautiful rat, Will you be my wife? - And what will you do at night? - Wow, wow, wow! - The dog barked. - No!I do not want to hear your barking!I do not want you for a husband!

Same answer received all the suitors who tried: rooster, donkey, ram, cricket ... everyone was enamored of rat, all tried ask her in marriage, and all were rejected by the presumed rat and returned home with great pain.

The Cat
As it appeared a cat that when he saw the rat asked: - Ratita, cunning rat you be my wife? - And what will you do at night? - At night, sleep and silence. - Your if I like you, you have to marry me!
The wedding was held and returned home, husband and wife. But when the rat was about to prepare dinner Oh, heavens!That dinner was her cat! She screamed and screamed and went duck, pig, dog, cock, ass, sheep and cricket, which saved her from terrible outcome, and this is the moral: "The most beautiful apple, hiding the worst worm"

Moral: Do not rely on the exterior facade of the people, can be very bad when you know the truth ... so, do not rush to make decisions!

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